使用JBehave进行REST API测试


1. 简介

在本文中,我们将快速浏览一下JBehave,然后重点从BDD的角度测试REST API。

2. JBehave和BDD




  • 故事:代表业务功能的自动可执行增量,包含一个或多个场景
  • 场景:代表系统行为的具体例子
  • 步骤:使用经典BDD关键字表示实际行为:Given、When和Then


Given a precondition
When an event occurs
Then the outcome should be captured


  • @Given:启动上下文
  • @When:执行操作
  • @Then:测试预期结果

3. Maven依赖



4. 一个简单的例子


  1. 编写用户故事
  2. 将用户故事的步骤映射到Java代码
  3. 配置用户故事
  4. 运行JBehave测试
  5. 审查结果

4.1 故事



Scenario: when a user increases a counter, its value is increased by 1

Given a counter
And the counter has any integral value
When the user increases the counter
Then the value of the counter must be 1 greater than previous value

4.2 映射步骤


public class IncreaseSteps {
    private int counter;
    private int previousValue;

    @Given("a counter")
    public void aCounter() {

    @Given("the counter has any integral value")
    public void counterHasAnyIntegralValue() {
        counter = new Random().nextInt();
        previousValue = counter;

    @When("the user increases the counter")
    public void increasesTheCounter() {

    @Then("the value of the counter must be 1 greater than previous value")
    public void theValueOfTheCounterMustBe1Greater() {
        assertEquals(1, counter - previousValue);


4.3 配置我们的故事


public class IncreaseStoryLiveTest extends JUnitStories {

    public Configuration configuration() {
        return new MostUsefulConfiguration()
              .useStoryLoader(new LoadFromClasspath(this.getClass()))
              .useStoryReporterBuilder(new StoryReporterBuilder()

    public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() {
        return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), new IncreaseSteps());

    protected List<String> storyPaths() {
        return Collections.singletonList("increase.story");


现在我们已经准备好了一切,我们可以通过运行mvn clean test来开始我们的故事。

4.4 查看测试结果


Scenario: when a user increases a counter, its value is increased by 1
Given a counter
And the counter has any integral value
When the user increases the counter
Then the value of the counter must be 1 greater than previous value


Scenario: when a user increases a counter, its value is increased by 1
Given a counter
And the counter has any integral value
When the user increases the counter (PENDING)
Then the value of the counter must be 1 greater than previous value (NOT PERFORMED)
@When("the user increases the counter")
public void whenTheUserIncreasesTheCounter() {
    // PENDING



Scenario: when a user increases a counter, its value is increased by 1
Given a counter
And the counter has any integral value
When the user increases the counter
Then the value of the counter must be 1 greater than previous value (FAILED)


现在我们掌握了JBehave的基础知识;接下来我们将介绍如何使用它测试REST API。我们的测试基于我们之前讨论地如何使用Java测试REST API的文章

在那篇文章中,我们测试了GitHub REST API,主要关注HTTP响应码、标头和有效负载。为简单起见,我们可以将它们分别写成三个独立的故事。

5.1 测试状态码


Scenario: when a user checks a non-existent user on github, github would respond 'not found'

Given github user profile api
And a random non-existent username
When I look for the random user via the api
Then github respond: 404 not found

When I look for tuyucheng1 via the api
Then github respond: 404 not found

When I look for tuyucheng2 via the api
Then github respond: 404 not found


public class GithubUserNotFoundSteps {

    private String api;
    private String nonExistentUser;
    private int githubResponseCode;

    @Given("github user profile api")
    public void givenGithubUserProfileApi() {
        api = "https://api.github.com/users/%s";

    @Given("a random non-existent username")
    public void givenANonexistentUsername() {
        nonExistentUser = randomAlphabetic(8);

    @When("I look for the random user via the api")
    public void whenILookForTheUserViaTheApi() throws IOException {
        githubResponseCode = getGithubUserProfile(api, nonExistentUser)

    @When("I look for $user via the api")
    public void whenILookForSomeNonExistentUserViaTheApi(String user) throws IOException {
        githubResponseCode = getGithubUserProfile(api, user)

    static HttpResponse getGithubUserProfile(String api, String username) throws IOException {
        HttpUriRequest request = new HttpGet(String.format(api, username));
        return HttpClientBuilder

    @Then("github respond: 404 not found")
    public void thenGithubRespond404NotFound() {
        assertEquals(SC_NOT_FOUND, githubResponseCode);




@When("I look for $username via the api")
public void whenILookForSomeNonExistentUserViaTheApi(@Named("username") String user) throws IOException

5.2 测试媒体类型


Scenario: when a user checks a valid user's profile on github, github would respond json data

Given github user profile api
And a valid username
When I look for the user via the api
Then github respond data of type json


public class GithubUserResponseMediaTypeSteps {

    private String api;
    private String validUser;
    private String mediaType;

    @Given("github user profile api")
    public void givenGithubUserProfileApi() {
        api = "https://api.github.com/users/%s";

    @Given("a valid username")
    public void givenAValidUsername() {
        validUser = "tuyucheng";

    @When("I look for the user via the api")
    public void whenILookForTheUserViaTheApi() throws IOException {
        mediaType = ContentType
              .getOrDefault(getGithubUserProfile(api, validUser).getEntity())

    @Then("github respond data of type json")
    public void thenGithubRespondDataOfTypeJson() {
        assertEquals("application/json", mediaType);

5.3 测试JSON负载


Scenario: when a user checks a valid user's profile on github, github's response json should include a login payload with the same username

Given github user profile api
When I look for tuyucheng via the api
Then github's response contains a 'login' payload same as tuyucheng


public class GithubUserResponsePayloadSteps {

    private String api;
    private GitHubUser resource;

    @Given("github user profile api")
    public void givenGithubUserProfileApi() {
        api = "https://api.github.com/users/%s";

    @When("I look for $user via the api")
    public void whenILookForTuyuchengViaTheApi(String user) throws IOException {
        HttpResponse httpResponse = GithubUserNotFoundSteps.getGithubUserProfile(api, user);
        resource = RetrieveUtil.retrieveResourceFromResponse(httpResponse, GitHubUser.class);

    @Then("github's response contains a 'login' payload same as $username")
    public void thenGithubsResponseContainsAloginPayloadSameAsTuyucheng(String username) {
        assertThat(username, Matchers.is(resource.getLogin()));

6. 总结

在本文中,我们简要介绍了JBehave并实现了BDD风格的REST API测试。



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